Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12- A whole year gone by

Matt asked me to marry him one year ago today! It's been a whirl wind since then. When we picked June 27 as our date it seemed like it was forever away. Time has just flown by! I can't believe it. The day is fast approaching and now we have to start planning all of the last minute details. One big thing we have to do is order favor boxes and send out the invitations. We've started a few drafts to our vows, but nothing finalized yet. We also have to get Matt's Pastor and my Bishop together to lay out all the details of the reception. Now is when everything will start getting busy again! We head to Virgina to see Laura, Mike and their new baby John. We are so excited to get to spend time with them...and be in warmer weather.

also- We hope that everyone had a great Easter. We spent the day with Matt's family; always a good time and good food!


the speers said...

K, I'm a loser, I JUST saw you had a wedding blog! What a great idea! you're so cute...good luck with all the details!!