Sunday, March 29, 2009

old apartment

We're finally done cleaning out the old apartment. We're so excited to get that monkey off our backs! The walk through will be Tuesday afternoon. We spent hours over there scrubbing on our hands and knees so we better get the entire deposit back. We'll update our blog when we find out how picky they are. I'm just looking forward to enjoying our apartment together. Everything is all unpacked. The last thing we have to do is hang our pictures on the wall (oh, and fix the shelving unit that we put together upside down! It definitely wasn't as easy as it looked to set up.) Our first bridal shower is in 2 weeks and I am SOOOOO excited. The week after that we're going to Virgina to visit Laura, Mike and baby John. It's going to be a crazy month and the next 3 months are going to fly by. The next big thing we have to do for the wedding is get our invites either right before or right after we go to Virgina.