Saturday, May 16, 2009

Congratulations Andy!

Matt's brother Andy graduated from Buffalo State today! I just wanted to say congratulations. I wasn't able to make it because I had to work, but all of the Cole family is here in town for it and we're having a party here in Webster that I'll be able to make. I also just want to say that I couldn't have picked a better family to marry into. I love when they're all together. We always have a good time!


Anonymous said...

Were lucky to have you join our family : )


Michele said...

Sorry that I was in NYC and didn't let you know! It was a quick trip but I did love the city. Meg and I were saying the other day how we'd love to see you and come to your wedding but she has Alyvia that weekend so we can't make it. Let's do a reunion sometime though...maybe next summer?! It would be so so so fun!! Love ya girl and miss ya!